Intervista a Liss C. (LC Series)
Ad Aprile è il turno di Liss C. proprietario delle label LGM, LCR e LC Series!
1. How did you approach into electronic music?
It started when I was around 8-10 years, my sister usually play records or tapes from the clubs that she usually go, like BARRACA. I guess that all start in that moment, I still having a lot of records from my sister, also from my father.
2. What were the first records you bought and the first artists who have marked your childhood?
First records that I bought, I remember one of Laurent Garnier tracks that appear an acid face on it, also some Felix Da House Cat, and some more, I remember the first time that I was on the shop, IT WAS AMAZING. I bought 10 records !
3. What was the first club you’ve played?
4. With which instruments did you start producing music and how it made your study today?
I started just with a laptop, testing cutting, re-editing tracks to see how it works, after 6 years on the studio has change a little bit. Actually I have, motu 828 mkIII, adam a5x, microkorg, maschine, uc33, ef256 and starting to get a modular and analog machines, actually I got a modular synth Autobot, with 303, oscilators etc etc……. I like play with the machines and see what it happens, always good things, on my next vinyl release called MODULATION you can check what I am talking about. : )
5. Tell us about your label LC SERIES and LCR…
After years also managing LGM, I had the idea to open a techno label that represent me more, then It appears LCR, after 2 years of life, we have been supported/played/charted by: Chris Liebing, Rebekah, DJ Hiperactive, Rino Cerrone, Marco Carola, Paco Osuna, Angel Molina, Cristian Varela, Perc, Norman Nodge and many many more……. Next releases will got really massive support I am sure!
About LC SERIES, is a brand new vinyl label, also looking forward in what I can do more, and that’s the point. The first reference was out last month, and we reach top 23 on decks, top 41 on juno, so really proud of this. About support/played/charted people like Truncate, Oliver Deutschman, Rebeckah, Alan Fitzpatrick or Tommy Fourseven is people that has played the vinyl a lot, I have videos and is really impressive when you see the reaction of the people dancing my first vinyl.
6. What are the characteristics of LC SERIES?
LC SERIES is just my point of view about music, that not means that it must be strictly techno, could be more acid, more dub, but it’s me.
I only release personal tracks plus remixes, first release was with my friends of ATTEMPORAL and MISS SUNSHINE, the result was amazing.
On the second release, out at the end of march 2013, I had a special collaborations, LC SERIES 02 is coming with 1 original plus 2 remixes, by: TRUNCATE and SAMULI KEMPPI.
LC SERIES is my identity, who I am.
7. There’s a track that you prefer among all the ones you’ve made?
I have a special love to MODULATION, but honestly I can not choose just one, LR6 is also very important for me is my first vinyl release, also tracks that I released years ago like ALL FALLS DOWN…… some track get a lot of part me.
8. What’s in the bag records of Liss C?
Actually I am very happy to said that always have something from LCR, next release from Alpha Signal & Logotech is really good one.
On wax, last works of Henning Baer, A&S, James Ruskin, Silent servant, Terrence Dixon……. And of course the Spanish producers ATTEMPORAL, HD SUBSTANCE, PEPE ARCADE, H.O…….
9. Last question… What can we expect from Liss C in 2013?
Hope that good things hehe, Actually I signed with the booking agency EINMAL BOOKING, with artist like HD SUBSTANCE, ATTEMPORAL and MISS SUNSHINE, I sure that everything turns up a little bit more.
About productions, I had some vinyl and digital releases coming out this year on great labels, and most important good friends!!
I also would say thanks to all your crew for this interview, it has been a pleasure.
Thanks LC.
Grazie a te Liss ;)
BIO: Liss Casaro, better known as LISS C., started on music scene 10 years ago. From 242, Kraftwerk, Joy Division or Sleeparchive are some of the inspirations of his personal “vision” of music.
Always walking about techno, he started to produce 5 years ago, trying to show his personal way of techno, where has been supported/played by top artist, like Chris liebing, Tommy fourseven, Danny Tenaglia or Marco Carola, to name a few.
Influences from London to Berlin, where he is actually based, energetic sets, loud basslines and acid tick, is what you can expect from Liss C.
Label owner of LGM, LCR and his new own vinyl brand LC SERIES, where we will find talented artist like, TRUNCATE, ATTEMPORAL, SAMULI KEMPPI, MISS SUNSHINE and more. Already supported as well by top artist like, Marco Carola Dj Hiperactive, Gabriel Ananda, Michel de Hey, Alan Fritzpatrick, Rebekah, Norman Nodge, Inigo Kennedy, or Speedy J.
Liss C. is actually building up his first live set, that will be out shortly!