Freddy Hetzinger, Sash Liq – Point Of No Return [Dark and Sonorous Recordings]
“Point Of No Return” by Freddy Hetzinger & Sash Liq with remixes by Hefty, Gruener Starr and Martin Hallak. Freddy Hetzinger was born 1979 near Stuttgart/ Germany. Raised up in a musical spirited family, she early got involved and interested by different kinds of music. She started playin the piano and violine when she was 8 years old, but she wasn’t enthused enough to keep it on. At the age of 16 she made her first steps into the rave scene by attending scores of events around Stuttgart. Inspired and exhausted by the groove and energy of electronic music she started with Djing in 1999 – conventional using Technics 1210 Turntables of course ! After 1,5 years dilligent practice she felt ready for her first public gig. The following years she was part of a few projects and got scores of bookings and resident jobs in Stuttgart and other citys all over Germany. Since 2006 she is a resident part of the “ToY” family! She found her musical connection with Sash_liq in 2009. T oget her t hey creat ed a new project called “Mischkonsum”. Their musical baby got a lot of attention and love and it has grown up to one of the most successfull events in Stuttgart . Always with a massive lineup – faraway from the mainstream..and so simply Underground!… Sash Liq born in the same year as commodores amiga. Started playing electric organ at the age of 6, loved the groove box. First time getting in touch with vinyl at the age of 15. Started practicing cutting and juggling. Loves Timberland. Triggered a note via a step-sequencer for the very first time at the age of 17. Loved it. Did broken beats for 4 further years. Started playing techno at the age of 22. Heard “Plastikman – Closer ” for the first of countless times. Loves it. Became resident at club Finca, Stuttgart. Released first EP on Beatport together with Daniel Abel. Became Resident at Club Tonstudio, Stuttgart. Continued proceedings of Googoo Rec., Stuttgart at the age of 24 in 2009. Met Freddy Hetzinger. Founded Mischkonsum together with her. Loves it. Became resident of Club Toy, Stuttgart in 2010. Decided to start own label Mischkonsum Rec. together with F.Hetzinger in late 2011. Started it in early 2012. Still is trilled to bits if a 808 with a nice compressed bass appears till now. Loves it. Enjoy!
“Point Of No Return” di Freddy Hetzinger & Sash Liq con remix di Hefty, Gruener Starr e Martin Hallak. Freddy Hetzinger è nato nel 1979 vicino a Stoccarda / Germania. A 16 anni ha fatto i suoi primi passi nella scena rave partecipando a decine di eventi in tutto Stoccarda. Ispirato dall’energia della musica elettronica ha iniziato nel 1999 con il Djing. Sash Liq nato nello stesso anno con Commodore a Amiga. Ha iniziato a suonare l’ organo elettrico all’età di 6 anni, ed ha iniziato ad amare il groove box. Entra la prima volta in contatto con il vinile all’età di 15 anni. Ha iniziato a suonare techno all’età di 22 anni da quando ha ascoltato “Plastikman – Closer”. Diventa resident al club Finca, Stoccarda. Rilascia primo EP su Beatport insieme a Daniel Abel. Divenne residente al Club Tonstudio, Stoccarda, apre una propria etichetta Mischkonsum Rec. insieme con F.Hetzinger alla fine del 2011.
Get your copy here: http://www.beatport.com/release/point-of-no-return/957599